quarta-feira, dezembro 25, 2019

Devoção À Divina Misericórdia // O terço da Divina Misericórdia

Compêndio da História Eclesiástica por Dom Bosco

Sterling K. Brown Explains His "No Gym" Workout | Train Like A Celebrity...

Carlo Acutis: Fifteen-year-old computer scientist declared venerable by ...

Catholic "Saint"

The Xu Xin Trick Shot and Divided Table Game. Awesome !

Cascais. First in Portugal - Free Public Transport

O Tribunal de Contas (Tdc) deu parecer positivo ao programa de transportes rodoviários gratuitos de Cascais, o primeiro concelho do país a avançar com um serviço gratuito de transportes a partir de janeiro de 2020, informou esta segunda-feira aquele município.
"O TdC deu hoje parecer positivo ao programa de mobilidade rodoviária gratuita no concelho de Cascais", revela em nota de imprensa a Câmara Municipal de Cascais, no distrito de Lisboa.
A partir de 1 de janeiro de 2020, Cascais torna-se no primeiro concelho do país a ter transportes públicos rodoviários gratuitos dentro do município.

"Estamos a abrir um novo paradigma, que encara a mobilidade como um pilar das sociedades democráticas avançadas e sustentáveis, como um direito que potencia valores como a liberdade, a coesão ou a sustentabilidade ambiental", afirmou o presidente da câmara, Carlos Carreiras (PSD), citado na mesma nota.
O autarca sublinhou que o programa vai "reduzir muitíssimo a pegada de carbono".
O programa de mobilidade rodoviária gratuita tem um custo de 12 milhões de euros anuais, suportados pelas receitas do estacionamento pago e a fixação no concelho de entidades bancárias de crédito, o que tem efeitos do ponto de vista da receita fiscal em sede de Imposto Único de Circulação, diz a autarquia.
"Não estamos a colocar a gratuitidade para todos à custa do esforço de impostos dos cidadãos. Pelo contrário: estamos a deixar mais dinheiro na carteira dos cidadãos que assim se libertam de um custo e têm mais recursos para poupança, investimento ou consumo", explicou Carlos Carreiras.
Durante o mês de janeiro, período de adaptação do programa, os transportes públicos rodoviários são gratuitos para todos os cidadãos, enquanto a partir de fevereiro apenas o são para residentes, estudantes e trabalhadores no concelho.
Para beneficiar do programa, é obrigatório fazer registo prévio na plataforma Mobi Cascais.
O serviço público de transportes vai introduzir também alterações na política de estacionamento, por forma a "adaptar-se à nova realidade metropolitana".
"Todos os munícipes registados na aplicação MobiCascais terão direito a 100 minutos de estacionamento gratuitos por dia (exceto nas zonas vermelhas e de acordo com o regulamento em vigor) e vai proceder-se a uma harmonização de horário de cobrança", esclarece a autarquia.
O horário pago de estacionamento para todo o concelho ficará limitado ao período entre as 09h00 e as 19h00, com exceção para as zonas de estacionamento controlado do concelho e com regulamento específico, previstas no regulamento geral.

Talking to Strangers - Malcolm Gladwell - [Part 1] - Audiobook

South African Golfer - Funny - Jonathan se golflesse

Beautiful Christmas Eve

Morning was breaking in Bethlehem. The star had just disappeared, the last pilgrim had left the stable. The Virgin had tucked in the Child in the straw and he was finally falling asleep. But does one sleep on Christmas night? The door opened, thrust open, it was said, by a breath more than by a hand, and a woman appeared on the threshold, covered with rags, so old and so wrinkled that in her earth-colored face her mouth seemed to be just another wrinkle.
When she saw her, Mary was frightened, as if the woman was a bad fairy barging in. Fortunately, Jesus was asleep! The donkey and the ox chewed their straw peacefully and watched the stranger enter without surprise, as if they had known her all their life. The Virgin did not take her eyes off her. Each step she took seemed like an eternity. The old woman continued to walk forward, and now she was at the edge of the manger. Thank God, Jesus was still sleeping. But does one sleep on Christmas night?
Suddenly he opened his eyes, and his mother was astonished to see that the eyes of the woman and those of her child looked exactly the same and shone with the same hope. The old woman then leaned over the straw, while her hand went to seek in the jumble of her rags something she seemed to take centuries to find. Mary was still looking at her worriedly. The beasts looked at her too, but still without curiosity, as if they knew in advance what would happen. Finally, at the end of a very long time, the old woman drew an object hidden in her hand from her clothes, and she handed it to the child. After all the treasures of the Magi and the offerings of the shepherds, what was this present? From where she was, Mary could not tell. She could only see the old woman’s back bent by age, bending even deeper as it leaned over the cradle. The donkey and the ox could see her but they still did not seem to wonder, as if they knew what was going to happen. This lasted a long time.
Then the old woman straightened up, as if delivered from the heavy weight that was pulling her to the ground. Her shoulders were no longer vaulted, her head almost touched the thatched ceiling, her face looked miraculously younger. When she moved away from the manger to go back to the door and disappeared in the night from which she had come, Mary finally saw the mysterious present. Eve—since that is who she was—had just given the child a small apple, the apple of the first sin (and of so many others that followed). The little red apple shone in the hands of the newborn like the globe of the new world that had just been born with him.

Jérôme and Jean Tharaud
From Tales of the Virgin (Les Contes de la Vierge), Plon publisher, 1940

sábado, dezembro 21, 2019

More Cowbell - SNL




Food For Thought.

Your body adapts to what you eat.

Your mind adapts to what you consume.

Your soul adapts to what you love.

What you feed yourself today is who you become tomorrow.

One of the most underrated career skills that isn’t really taught anywhere is editing your own writing.

Great writing is actually re-writing. Simplifying paragraphs. Clarifying key points. Double-checking for typos.

Good writing will impress in any job.

Praying The Rosary. Rezar o Terço com estes Audios.

Food For Thought.

The fact that you go to the gym even though you don’t “need” to... is why you don’t need to.

The fact that you save when you could spend... is why you have money to spend.

Your habits create your strength.

"There is, I hope, a thesis in my work: we may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. That sounds goody-two-shoes, I know, but I believe that a diamond is the result of extreme pressure and time. Less time is crystal. Less than that is coal. Less than that is fossilized leaves. Less than that it’s just plain dirt. In all my work, in the movies I write, the lyrics, the poetry, the prose, the essays, I am saying that we may encounter many defeats—maybe it’s imperative that we encounter the defeats—but we are much stronger than we appear to be and maybe much better than we allow ourselves to be."

sexta-feira, dezembro 20, 2019

Chinese Military. What happens if you decide to leave...

Chinese Military. What happens if you decide to quit...

Elements of AI. Free Course. Finland.


Food For Thought.

The hardest part of solving a problem is accurately defining it.

Before you dream about the view from the summit, ask yourself if you're willing to keep your head down, focus on the path, and spend your life walking up the side of a very big hill.
It takes years of walking to earn a minute at the top

Hard work is not always something you can see. It is not always physical effort.
In fact, the most powerful form of hard work is thinking clearly. Designing a winning strategy may not look very active, but make no mistake: it is very hard work.
Strategy often beats sweat.

"Whatever you are not changing, you are choosing."

Candidatos a Bastonário 2019

quinta-feira, dezembro 19, 2019

Vegan Burgers. Various. Beyond Meat, Impossible... e NEXT LEVEL BURGER DO LIDL !

Veganism. How to deal with it!


Casa Real Portuguesa. Ilustração de 1726 de Haye Juillet.

Alegoria à Casa Real Portuguesa, ilustração de Haye Juillet, 1726. A Alegoria retrata os principais elementos do Reino de Portugal na época, a Religião Católica, a Justiça baseada no direito romano, e a sua extensão territorial representado no Globo Terrestre.

ferro rodriuges PORCO FASCISTA - APOIANTE DE PEDÓFILOS ! Ferro Rodrigues quebrou regras do jogo democrático» — Miguel Sousa Tavares

Entrevista de Luís Menezes Leitão - Bastonário da Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses à RTP.

Windhoek - Namibia has a new mayor. Woman - Mayor Fransina Kahungu

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Final Trailer

THE GREATEST PLAYER EVER, IN FOOTBALL HISTORY !! Ronaldo Scores Insane Goal With Giant Leap! | Sampdoria 1-2 Juventus | T...

terça-feira, dezembro 17, 2019

Vida de Advogado - Cá e lá (Brasil). Sofrimento puro !

Uber...Uber...negócio matam-se uns aos outros !

Some interesting Facts


sábado, dezembro 14, 2019

FERRO RODRIGUES É UM FASCISTA ! Agiu como um pequeno fascista» — Eduardo Cintra Torres

A NETFLIX NOJENTA E A NOJENTA PORTA DOS FUNDOS ! Deviam ser castigos e banidos - 100 Anos Pena !


O Meu Bastonário! Advogados com CPAS Injusta !




Esperemos que seja fiel à sua palavra e cumpra os deveres que tem para com todos os  Advogados, principalmente aqueles que passam por dificuldades!

O protesto dos advogados

Os advogados estão hoje sujeitos a um regime absolutamente draconiano de contribuições para a previdência, desde que foi publicado o actual regulamento da CPAS.
Na próxima sexta-feira, dia 13 de Dezembro, os advogados vão sair à rua em protesto contra o seu sistema de previdência assegurado pela Caixa de Previdência dos Advogados e Solicitadores (CPAS). Não é a primeira vez que tal sucede, uma vez que no dia 26 de Janeiro de 2018, os advogados também tinham efectuado uma manifestação semelhante, não tendo a ordem nem a CPAS sequer se preocupado em dar qualquer resposta às preocupações dos advogados, que se manifestavam mesmo à sua frente.
Efectivamente, os advogados estão hoje sujeitos a um regime absolutamente draconiano de contribuições para a previdência, desde que foi publicado o actual regulamento da CPAS, aprovado pelo decreto-lei 119/2015, de 29 de Junho. Enquanto no regime anterior se estabelecia que os advogados eram sujeitos a uma contribuição mínima, obrigatória e mensal de 17% sobre dois salários mínimos, esse diploma determinou a elevação sucessiva dessa percentagem até atingir 24% em 2020. A justificação dada no preâmbulo do diploma para uma subida tão brutal das contribuições foi a de que “a CPAS realizou um estudo detalhado à esperança de vida da sua população em 2010, tendo resultado desse exercício que a população de advogados e solicitadores inscritos na CPAS tem uma expectativa de vida superior em 11% à da população portuguesa”. É manifesto que essa fundamentação era completamente absurda, sendo estranhíssimo que esse estudo nunca tenha sido divulgado e que ninguém o conheça.
Essa contínua subida das contribuições, agravada com a elevação do salário mínimo nos últimos anos, colocou a esmagadora maioria dos advogados numa situação extremamente difícil, tendo chegado a contribuição mínima mensal a ser fixada em €243,60 em 2018. No último Congresso dos Advogados foi denunciada esta situação gravíssima, tendo o Governo acabado por efectuar uma revisão deste sistema. Foi assim que, através do Decreto-Lei 116/2018, de 21 de Dezembro, se abandonou a indexação ao salário mínimo, mas em contrapartida se fixou um indexante elevadíssimo de €581,90 para determinar o valor mínimo das contribuições, o qual, com uma taxa de 24%, faria subir o valor mínimo das contribuições para €279,31. Mas o próprio diploma fixou um desconto a esse valor de -14%, o que permitiu baixar as contribuições para €230,20 em 2019 – mesmo assim um valor muitíssimo elevado, especialmente em comparação com o valor mínimo das contribuições para a Segurança Social, que é de €20. Só que a direcção da CPAS, com o apoio do bastonário e do conselho geral da Ordem dos Advogados, decidiu para o próximo ano subir esse valor para €251,38, o qual a esmagadora maioria dos advogados não conseguirá pagar.
Acresce que os advogados não beneficiam igualmente de qualquer protecção em caso de doença e de parentalidade, ao contrário do que sucede na Segurança Social. Recentemente foi notícia o caso dramático de uma advogada com uma doença oncológica durante a gravidez que não beneficiou de qualquer protecção da CPAS. Os advogados não podem ser, assim, os únicos profissionais com um regime de previdência que lhes exige tanto e lhes dá tão pouco.
O princípio da capacidade contributiva exige que ninguém possa ser tributado com base em rendimentos que não tem. E o direito à segurança social implica que se estabeleçam protecções adequadas no âmbito da doença e da parentalidade. É manifesto que o sistema de previdência dos advogados não está em conformidade com esses valores essenciais.
É, por isso, inteiramente justificado o protesto dos advogados que irá ocorrer na próxima sexta-feira. Espera-se que a CPAS e a Ordem dos Advogados possam abandonar definitivamente a sua insensibilidade perante as dificuldades que passam tantos colegas e se coloquem definitivamente ao serviço dos advogados.
Professor da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa
Escreve à terça-feira, sem adopção das regras do acordo ortográfico de 1990

Padre Pio. Prayer by Saint John Paul II

“Don't ever be pleased with yourself because of some goodness that you might discover in yourself, because it all comes to you from God, and to Him must you give the honor and glory.”

Prayer of Pope John Paul II to St. Padre Pio
Teach us, we pray, humility of heart, so that we may be counted among the little ones of the Gospel to whom the Father promised to reveal the mysteries of His Kingdom. Help us to pray without ceasing, certain that God knows what we need even before we ask Him. Obtain for us the eyes of faith that will help us recognize in the poor and suffering, the very face of Jesus. Sustain us in the hour of trouble and trial and, if we fall, let us experience the joy of the sacrament of forgiveness. Grant us your tender devotion to Mary, mother of Jesus and our Mother. Accompany us on our earthly pilgrimage toward the blessed Homeland, where we too, hope to arrive to contemplate forever the Glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Early Morning Thought.

Saint Augustine (354-430)
Bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and Doctor of the Church
Discourses on the psalms, Ps 109 (trans. breviary 2nd Wednesday of Advent)

« All the prophets and the Law prophesied up to the time of John» (Mt 11:13)
God fixed a time for his promises, and a time for fulfilling what he had promised.

The period of his promises was from the time of the prophets up to John the Baptist;

and the period for fulfilling what he had promised is from John and henceforward to the end.

God is faithful: he made himself our debtor not by accepting anything from us, but by promising us such great blessings.

The promise was not enough; he even chose to be bound by writing, creating for us a kind of bond for his promises; so that when he began to fulfil his promises, we might contemplate in scripture the order of their accomplishment.

The period of prophecy, therefore, as we have before now frequently said, was the announcement of the promises.
He promised everlasting salvation, and an unending life of blessedness with the angels, an unfading inheritance (1Pt 1:4), everlasting glory, his own dear face, his sanctuary in heaven, and, by the resurrection of the dead, no further fear of death.

This is, as it were, his final promise, towards which all our endeavors tend, and after we have received it, we shall seek nothing more, demand nothing more.
Nor has he passed over in silence in his promises and prophecies how that final state will be reached.

He promised has us the divine nature:

to mortals, immortality;

to sinners, justification;

to castaways, a state of glory.

Someone I know... it's not family!

it's not a family member :-)
If you know who it is... send me a beep or e-mail


quarta-feira, dezembro 11, 2019

From JamesClear.com

"New goals don't deliver new results. New lifestyles do.And a lifestyle is not an outcome, it is a process. For this reason, all of your energy should go into building better habits, not chasing better results."

How to Be Unhappy:

-stay inside all day
-move as little as possible
-spend more than you earn
-take yourself (and life) too seriously
-look for reasons why things won’t work
-always consume, never contribute
-resent the lucky and successful
-never say hello first
-be unreliable

Invert for happiness:

-get outside each day 
-move: walk, exercise, dance 
-spend less than you earn 
-view life as play 
-be the one who looks for solutions 
-develop a bias to contribute and create 
-learn from the lucky and successful 
-be the first to say hello 
-be reliable

Some people need more focus. Others need to broaden their perspective.

Some people need to try harder. Others need to stress less.

Some people need to care more. Others need to let it go.

The secret is you are both people. The key is to know which one you are in this moment.

domingo, dezembro 01, 2019

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, commonly referred to as Tottenham (/ˈtɒtənəm/)[2][3] or Spurs, is an English professional football club in TottenhamLondon, that competes in the Premier LeagueTottenham Hotspur Stadium has been the club's home ground since April 2019, replacing their former home of White Hart Lane, which had been demolished to make way for the new stadium on the same site. Their training ground is on Hotspur Way in Bulls Cross in the London Borough of Enfield. The club is owned by ENIC Group. Tottenham have played in a first (home) strip of white shirts and navy blue shorts since the 1898–99 season. The club's emblem is a cockerel standing upon a football, with a Latin motto Audere est Facere ("To Dare Is to Do").
Founded in 1882, Tottenham won the FA Cup for the first time in 1901, the only non-League club to do so since the formation of the Football League in 1888. Tottenham were the first club in the 20th century to achieve the League and FA Cup Double, winning both competitions in the 1960–61 season. After successfully defending the FA Cup in 1962, in 1963 they became the first British club to win a UEFA club competition – the European Cup Winners' Cup.[4] They were also the inaugural winners of the UEFA Cup in 1972, becoming the first British club to win two different major European trophies. They have collected at least one major trophy in each of the six decades from the 1950s to 2000s – an achievement only matched by Manchester United.[5][6] In total, Spurs have won two league titles, eight FA Cups, four League Cups, seven FA Community Shields, one European Cup Winners' Cup and two UEFA Cups. Tottenham were also the runners-up of the 2018–19 UEFA Champions League competition. The club has a long-standing rivalry with nearby club Arsenal, with head-to-head fixtures known as the North London derby.